
The day finally arrived, to step out and take to the road for the next year. However, the first 3 weeks would be more of a trial run of the new set-up before we travelled back to Brisbane for a wedding and memorial. Whilst it may have felt like a bit of a detour to drive back 1500km, it was also great as we learned a few things on the way and picked up on a couple of key changes we wanted to make that would improve the experience of living in the van considerably.

Being completely honest, the first few days were a bit mixed for me personally. I had thought there would be an overall sense of freedom and excitement but what I found was that it actually took me a couple of days to switch off and embrace it. Nicole had eased into the new life but I was probably still thinking I needed to be productive from 9-5, to have a set plan and structure for the day.  I guess years of working and studying creates some habits around this, and to all of a sudden change it up was a bit uncomfortable.  The other aspect of this was that it was the first time we actually stayed in our van for more than a night. Moving into any new home can leave you feeling a bit displaced and uncomfortable, and this 3m x 1.8m little home was no exception. Just learning where everything was or the best way to do things was a mini learning curve in itself.  Like anything though, this was just part of the experience and all part of the adjustment.

A few days in and things started to get better and I was embracing the new way of life. Between travelling and day-to-day chores in the van, a routine sets in and it all starts to seem more comfortable. The uncomfortable is replaced with excitement and gratitude for where we are. To be able to wake up with the sun on a beautiful beach or to pull up at a pristine waterfall for lunch is a privilege and blessing that I am grateful for. Over the following weeks we would go to some incredible places along the NSW coast and settle into the 'van-life'. I am sure this was not the last time I will feel out of place on this trip but in the end any change can be uncomfortable, even the type of change that leads you to some special places, but it's part of the process of learning and growing.


On the road


Building a home - part 2 - It ain’t easy but we got there